
Exam Preparation  

All exams are now online using a Zoom meeting.

We run exam sessions every two weeks

Details of upcoming exams are on the news sidebar on the website 

The  exams will use the Moodle platform.

All exams will have a common core modules (Day 1 )exam.

You  must get 70% to pass this.

Depending on the species specific (Day 2)  module you took there will be a specific exam for that.

The online exam will be in the same format and from the same database as the “in course” quizzes.

If you want to do the UK legal module that is also a separate exam.

Please refer to these two Documents.

There is no charge for exams taken during these group sessions.

I can arrange for a special one to one exam if you cannot take one of these sessions. There is  50€ fee for this.

EXAM PREPARATION           Course study Material 

You can contact me at sec@last-ireland.

Exams dates will be posted on the current news section of the website.