Distance Proctoring of exam via Zoom
You can take the exam by distance proctoring. Currently the legal , Day 1 and rodent modules are available.
You will need a computer equipped with an internet connection, a camera and microphone.
In order to preserve the integrity of the exam:
I will be able to see you via your own camera
I will observe the activity of your screen.
I will record the session
If you are happy to go ahead please follow the instructions below.
Log on to the meeting ( exam session) by accepting the invitation sent to you by email.
Click the icon ‘Call using sound via computer ‘.
Turn on your video .
We do it via our moodle platform. Log on using your credentials
When you log on there is an exam section.
Please go to the exam you wish to do , in Moodle.
It will ask you for a password
Password will be given when you join the zoom session
The exam will be available at 11.00. ( or what ever time the exam is scheduled for)
You may leave when you have submitted your answers.
I will review all papers.
Final results and certificates will be published on “MYLAST” by Monday at 17.00 on the LASTIreland.ie website.
Updated 16/9/24
MYLAST is currently not available .
To receive your certificate please email. Sec@last-ireland.ie
This course has a face to face component in Dublin
There is another course on the 27/11/24 with a face to face component in Dublin
Pleases email sec@last-ireland to register
The next fully on line course will be in January 2025
Species specific courses are self directed and fully online.
All exams will be online .
Exams will be hosted online using Zoom.
The next dates are
25/9/24. @ 11.00
7/10/24 @ 11.00
23/10/24 @ 11.00
Please email sec@last-ireland.ie if you want to participate.